Rice University - Depression Game

Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning
Virtual Clinical Trials - 'Teens and Depression'

Rice University VCT - Teens and Depression

This game is part of the Virtual Clinical Trial series of Web Adventures, free online educational games produced for Rice University. Bouncing Pixel worked closely with researchers at Rice's Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning to create games with two primary educational goals; to increase students' science and health knowledge and to inspire those students to pursue science related careers.

Rice University VCT - Teens and Depression

Scientific methods and process skills are used as students learn how to design and conduct a trial, the underlying neuroscience behind the medical advances being tested, and the related careers involved.

Rice University VCT - Teens and Depression

In "Teens and Depression," players set up a Phase 3 clinical trial to test a new antidepressant for treating teenagers with major depressive disorder.

Rice University VCT - Teens and Depression